A growing family (by Joe)
But since then, whilst the backpacks have been growing, filling out and we´ve been finding them ever harder to carry we also seem to have picked up 3 further little ones! (see top - Laura and the whole family).
They all need watching, shepherding and looking after of course - especially when we are actually on the move - and that´s when things can get a bit hectic. We can usually strap the bigger ones up and leave them to their own devices, but not so the little ones: we need to keep a constant close eye on them - and if the bus or train is busy, they may even have to sit on our laps, so that other passengers can sit down.
But it´s all worth it, of course. And just occasionally, if we are sure the guesthouse we´re all staying at is friendly and safe, we can leave all of them together in the room for the evening and Laura and I can head out, alone, for a nice quiet night out by ourselves. Bliss.
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