Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thailand coup shouldn't affect plans (by Joe)

I get home yesterday after work and turn on the telly to hear of a military coup in Thailand, which we are due to visit from mid-November.

Dramatic stuff with tanks rolling onto the streets of Bangkok. But so far it all looks peaceful, and as long as things remain stable - and I suspect they will - there's no reason we can't keep to our plans. I really hope we can - I've been particularly looking forward to Bangkok and visiting the islands in the South East where we'll be chillin' out ...

As it happens, we've already had to change itinerary because of political troubles - we were orginally planning to spend a month in Sri Lanka, but decided against it when, a week before we were due to book our flights, the country broke into North vs South civil war.

Its a helpful reminder that the world is not so stable and that it would be realistic to expect a few troubles on the trip - but I think the reality of these things is rarely as dramatic as people imagine they may be from a distance. Anyway we'll keep an eye and could always change plans if needs be.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thailand shouldn't be a problem - think the PM was pretty unpopular.

10:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You blog good.

10:58 am  

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